Thursday, March 14, 2024

Kate Middleton Doctored Photo: AFP Says Kensington Palace No Longer A “Trusted Source” & Kill

Controversy Erupts Over Edited Royal Photo AFP Director Questions Source Credibility

A photo released by Kensington Palace to celebrate Mother's Day has sparked controversy due to allegations of editing. The incident has strained the relationship between the agency Agence FrancePresse (AFP) and the British royals. AFP's Response Director Phil Chetwynd stated the image violated their guidelines and shouldn't have been distributed. He declared Kensington Palace is no longer considered a completely trusted source. Increased vigilance in verifying future content from the royals was emphasized. Photo's Purpose The image reportedly aimed to address public concerns about Kate Middleton's health following surgery. Unprecedented Action Major agencies, including AFP, jointly stopped the photo's circulation. Demanding the original image and receiving no response was reported as unusual. Media's Responsibility Chetwynd stressed the importance of accurate information and public trust.

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