Thursday, May 23, 2024

‘Dungeons & Dragons’ Review: Community Building One Dice Roll at a Time

At the very least, try tagging along with someone with an awareness of tabletop roleplaying games. Indeed, hearing such jokes as Be gentle this NPC doesnt have the essential tag, made me grateful for the quality hours I spent playing Chivalry & Sorcery in my 20s. And the raucous laughter that welcomed the line at a recent performance of this Chicago import, now at Stage 42, confirmed I was among folks who shared an understanding. This is less restrictive than it might sound in terms of potential audience because Dungeons & Dragons, which is turning 50 this year, has been undergoing a startling renaissance. People gather for regular sessions and the game maintains a strong popculture presence, from being a key component of the Netflix series Stranger Things to providing the framework for films like last years Dungeons & Dragons Honor Among Thieves.

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