Ms Ranaut, who won the Lok Sabha election from Himachal Pradesh's Mandi, was about to board a flight for Delhi when the incident happened. The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) constable who allegedly slapped the new MP has been identified as Kulwinder Kaur. She has been suspended, and a first information report (FIR) has been filed against her. After slapping Ms Ranaut, the paramilitary constable allegedly told the actorturnedMP it was for "disrespecting farmers", alluding to the 15monthlong protest by farmers against the (now scrapped) farm laws and other issues including a legal guarantee of minimum support price in 202021. Mobile footage shows Ms Ranaut being escorted by a ring of security officers towards the security checkin, where she is seen talking to some CISF officers. The CISF Commandant has taken note of the incident, and is questioning the constable, sources said. One of her aides has also informed the local police, sources said. Ms Ranaut did not talk to reporters after landing in Delhi. Earlier today, she had posted a photo on Instagram captioned, "On my way to parliament. Mandi ki sansad. "
In a video statement on X later this evening, Ms Ranaut said she is safe, but is concerned about rising terrorism in Punjab. "I am safe. I am perfectly fine. The incident happened at the security checkin. The woman guard waited for me to cross. She then came from the side and hit me. She started throwing expletives. I asked why she hit me. She said 'I support farmers'. I am safe, but my concern is terrorism is rising in Punjab. How do we handle that?" Ms Ranaut said. Shocking rise in terror and violence in Punjab.... Kangana Ranaut (Modi Ka Parivar) (@KanganaTeam) June 6, 2024 The CISF constable said she was upset with Ms Ranaut over the actorturnedMP's "Rs 100" statement during the farmers' protest. "She had given a statement that the farmers are sitting there for Rs 100. Will she go and sit there? My mother was sitting there and protesting when she gave this statement," the constable said. Ms Ranaut in December 2020 had posted the "Rs 100" comment on X, after seeing an elderly woman who she said was "available for Rs 100", suggesting she can be hired to attend protests. The Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee's chief Manjinder Singh Sirsa had said Ms Ranaut should give an "unconditional apology" within a week. The actor has later deleted that post too. During the election campaign, farmers had blocked her convoy in Chandigarh while Ms Ranaut was going towards Mandi. In February 2021, international pop star Rihanna had posted on X (then Twitter) a swipe at the Centre over the farmers' protest, saying, "Why aren't we talking about this?"
To this, Ms Ranaut had responded, "No one is talking about it because they are not farmers, they are terrorists who are trying to divide India, so that China can take over our vulnerable broken nation and make it a Chinese colony much like the USA... Sit down you fool, we are not selling our nation like you dummies. "
Ms Kangana had later deleted the post. Prime Minister Narendra Modi in November 2021 nearly 15 months since the protests started had announced the three farm laws at the heart of the fierce protests by farmers would be withdrawn. Among the many controversies, farmers were worried the new law would eliminate MSP, and cited fear of corporatisation of agriculture a scenario in which large companies use their financial might to force unreasonably low prices on farmers.
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